With unprecedented health, social and economic crisis being unleashed across the globe, due to the COVID-19 pandemic; the entrepreneurial mindset is crucial in preventing an increase in unemployment rates, and reviving Europe’s competitiveness and innovative capacity.
Considering the above facts, we are pleased to announce the beginning of the new EU-funded program ENTRANCE, which stands for “Enhancing the ENTRepreneurial mindset of non-business Academics in Europe”. The project is funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education programme; and, it will be implemented during the next two years, until September 2022.
The programme forms a structured EU and interdisciplinary training environment, including the collaboration of five organisations across Europe. Our team consists of the GrantXpert consulting company, which is the coordinator of the project; the non-profit Incubator and Accelerator Centre (IDEA Innovation Centre), both located in Cyprus; the Institute of Entrepreneurship Development, which is a Greek NGO; the University of Beira Interior in Portugal; and, Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania. phentermine otc equivalent
To Who it is Addressed To
The programme is addressed to academics, who do not have a background in entrepreneurship or any business-related sector. The goal of the program is twofold. Firstly, it aims to develop an entrepreneurship training program; by enhancing the entrepreneurial mindset; and, competences of non-business academics (such as academics from the areas of Humanities, Arts, Education etc.); and, by equipping them with the pedagogical approaches needed, to foster the entrepreneurial drive of students. This will be achieved with the implementation of different tasks and methods, such as secondary research; and, the provision of real-life examples from successful academics, who turned entrepreneurs.
ENTRANCE: Step By Step
During this initial stage of our project, we are working on our first Intellectual Output, which entails an analysis of the current state-of-the-art in entrepreneurial education in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), and non-business curricula fostering an entrepreneurial mindset. In order to get the best outcome of this first stage, we would like to collaborate with non-business academics, who will be eager to fill in a questionnaire that we have developed. The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information regarding the knowledge that non-business academics, in participating countries, currently have in entrepreneurship; and, the pedagogical approaches they use in fostering the entrepreneurial mindset of their students.
We are looking forward to collaborating with all non-business academics and researchers, who are willing to take a step further. By developing their research work, and implementing this into a new business idea.
If you are an academic or a researcher, and you are interested in participating in the project. Feel free to contact us at 22669266 or send us an email at admin@grantxpert.eu mentioning the title of the project, ENTRANCE.
For further information, visit the official website.